Viral Data Stories

My data stories about workplace communication have regularly gone viral and been covered by places like Fortune , CNN, and The New York Times. As Textio's CEO, some of my greatest success came from telling stories with our data, building virality around those stories, and using the virality to drive our business forward. Textio's viral data engine has driven stellar customer growth and fundraising success.

With a little practice, anyone can learn to tell viral data stories: how collect a data set, form a  hypothesis that is designed for virality, tell a story that is sticky, and turn the story into business value. In Viral Data Stories 101, I break down my formula for planning a story, identifying the data set, and putting it all together so it sticks.

Take the course

Viral Data Stories 101

Sign up for my email overview course to get the fundamentals. You'll learn how to tell your own data story, make it go viral, and accelerate your business and brand. Includes free consultation to help you tell your own data story!

Viral Data Stories 201

Customized workshops for teams looking to build viral data storytelling capabilities to drive their business forward. Includes exercises that are tailored to your business. You'll leave with a data story roadmap and the ability to execute and see results. 

Get help with your data story

Deep consulting and coaching services for professionals who want to build a strong data story engine to accelerate their business. We'll go deep into your business goals and design data sets, hypotheses, and stories together. 

Let's work together!

Building data stories for business impact? Let's talk!

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