My stories in the media

I share data and stories about management, career development, technology, and business on stages big and small, public and private. I've published my research in Fortune, Forbes, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Slate, Fast Company, and many more. I've also spoken at the world's most prominent business schools and computer science programs, keynoted at major industry events, done private talks for executives and teams, and offered private AI briefings to Congress.

These days, I'm most often telling stories about (1) AI, bias, and the future of work, and (2) Management and team building now and in the future. I'm also teaching other people to tell data stories of their own.

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A selection of my public writing

A few of my publicly available articles

Top performers get the worst feedback

23,000 performance review show that high performers systematically receive the lowest quality feedback

Go to the article in Fortune

Who's getting interrupted? Not your boss!

The only way to get a word in if you're the one stuck on video while everyone else is in the same room? Being the boss.

Go to the article in Fast Company

Here’s the proof that low-quality feedback is driving employee retention down

We analyzed 2 years of performance reviews for 13,000 workers. People who get low-quality feedback at work are 63% more likely to quit in the next 12 months!

Go to the article in Fortune

The one word that shows that performance reviews are still terribly biased

A look at how the word "ambitious" is used in the performance feedback received by 25,000+ people of different genders, races, and age groups

Go to the article in Fast Company

Stop giving personality feedback

Analysis of performance feedback received by more than 25,000 people shows significant bias by gender, race, and age

Go to article in Fortune

The resume gap

I analyze 1,100 resumes from men and women and find striking differences in how they present themselves

Go to article on Fortune

Talking to Computers: Can a Child and a Chatbot Become Friends?

Long before ChatGPT, in which I write an ELIZA simulator and give it to my preschooler

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The women who make it in tech

The results of hundreds of interviews I did with mothers who have long-term careers in technology, and why they've stayed.

Go to article in the Wash Post

Why women leave tech: It's the culture

The results of 700+ interviews I did with women who elected to leave the tech industry

Go to article in Fortune

How to Get Ahead as a Woman in Tech: Interrupt Men

Original research I did tracking men's and women's patterns of conversational interruptions in corporate technology meetings

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The abrasiveness trap: High-achieving men and women are described differently in reviews

Original text analytics research on gender bias in technology performance reviews. The paper that put "abrasive" on the scene.

Go to article in Fortune

Boys learn to interrupt. Girls learn to shut up.

Original research on preschool boys' and girls' patterns of conversational interruptions

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Prior speaking engagements

A few of my publicly available videos, interviews, and presentations

ChatGPT and bias series

In this video series, I share data insights from my original research on ChatGPT and bias

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Empathy and Allyship

How AI impacts biases and inequities in the workplace, interview with Melinda Briana Epler

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Bloomberg TV

I talk about language and bias at work on Bloomberg TV, sharing insights from Textio's research

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Data Driven NYC

This talk focuses on my work inventing Textio's core technology: Using AI to predict the performance of text. 

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Female Founders Conference

Keynote at the Y Combinator Female Founders Conference and shared some of my Textio journey

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Gender & Work Symposium

Keynote at the Harvard Gender and Work Symposium sharing the latest data on workplace bias

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Let's work together!

Looking for a keynote speaker? Let's talk!

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